I’m thinking about time - I do from time to time.
I was just reading, in last week’s last week’s paper, about an exhibition in New York and the reviewer concluded his second paragraph with the opinion –“we may be coming to the End of Days for newspapers”.
And I started thinking about death.
Why do we die when we die?
And I started thinking about life.
Why are we born when we are born?
Our time.
Mine has been black and white and coloured; The Beatles and the Moon Landings for example were black and white, more recent events were coloured – yet it’s the black and white that resonates the most for me.
And newspapers are black and white.
From the perspective of my existence time feels linear, from the perspective of time, time isn’t.
But I wonder if one day we just say- “you know, there really isn’t enough of the black and white for me any more”.
“So I’m off.”
The End of Days?
As long as it's not the end of all the news that#s fit to print.
Where there's news there's always hope?
and we want to know about it, too
The other side to the coin re the end of days for newspapers is the birth of other new media.
So is it that there isn't enough black and white or is it that the new colour doesn't inspire or excite particularly, or just seems all too much bother?
Ah, too much too bother? I hope not.
Or, is it worth it?
is that the same thing?
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