What for?
Your new series!
Is it Sunday already?
You bet.
Ok! Let’s go!
So, why is it called Thought for the Day?
Well, my mum came from Lincoln and once a year either we would go up there and visit her best friend or her best friend would come down to London.
Does that answer my question?
No, stick with me.
Up in Lincoln, the family – lets call them “the family” – lived outside the city centre. At the end of their back garden was a gate and through the gate there was a field and then meadows. We used to play cricket in that field and when we weren’t playing cricket we listened to the test match on a portable radio.
How long is this going to be?
Why? Do you have patience issues?
No, it’s just that I’ve got a Sunday roast to carve.
A Sunday roast?! I thought they had gone the way of test matches on the radio.
Some of us still crave a Sunday Roast carving you know.
And so it should be – by the way did you see that the English cricket team won the ashes a couple of days ago.
I did – does it have anything to do with Thought for the Day?
Radio - Thought for the Day is a Radio 4 programme, Radio 4 used to air the test match reports.
And are you a fan?
Thought for the Day?
No. But I’m a fan of radio, I grew up with it and I like the idea of thoughts of the day. In their version, someone “sort of” religious philosophises about something “sort of ” philosophical.
So what are WE going to do, I’m not sure I can even SPELL philosophise, yet alone do it?
Have a conversation about something that pops into our heads.
Radical. Will it be worthy?
It might. Of course it could be something that pops into someone else’s head too.
External thought of the day?
External pop of the day!
I’ll pop in next week then.
See you.
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