I'm yours...
Only the other day this blog considered the case of the disappearing John Lennon signed parsnip.
Today let us look at his signed cheque.
Ever since signing up with an auction house to take part in an online sale of space artefacts, I have started receiving regular emails from Bobby Livingstone updating me on the latest in the autograph auctions, which he helps organise.
Their online catalogue is essential reading. Here it is.
This time I had my eyes set on Marilyn Monroe, I mean heart, and I mean her autograph.
But once again she is way out of my league.
The lengths some people have gone to secure an autograph are impressive, album sleeves, posters, letters, and religious flyers.
And it’s interesting to see who attracts a lot of bids and who doesn’t.
Somebody asked for my autograph once.
I was entering back stage at a theatre just behind someone who was relatively famous and the autograph hunter, who had been waiting for the man entering before me, felt compelled to ask me for mine too.
I obliged but I can’t help feeling that someone, somewhere is asking – who?
Or what the fuck?
I hope it doesn’t reduce the auction value of the signed programme.
In the auction happening this month, Charlie Chaplin’s scribble is attracting a lot of bids whereas Cab Calloway’s isn’t.
Where is the justice in that eh?
The Rolling Stones command a high price, the Who not so much.
But if any one wants to buy me a birthday present (it’s happening soon) I’ll have the John Lennon signed Cheque please.
Unless you know where the parsnip is.
My Gawd -- I turn my back for just minute and look at all you've been up to. Your output has doubled. Changing around the blog, adding an instruction manual, developing a list of characters. You're on fire! What's up?
Just a quick note about buying any of that auctio stuff. Weren't you just saying you were trying to de-clutter the other day?
Here -- all is crazy as usual -- deadlines, blah, blah, blah. Am behind as usual. Will this freezing winter ever end?
Must finish up -- am off to dance lesson with my friends and Mambo Steve from Leeds.
PS - How soon is soon re your upcoming birthday?
PPS -- I wouldn't trust HIM either!
PPPS --Took a quick look at the catalogue. Have to admit there is some very interesting memorabilia in there. Bob Dylan. Jackie Robinson. Agree that anything with John Lennon would be great. Can't imagine who would want that Sarah Palin stuff though!
Still it makes me sad somehow -- having maudlin and melancholy moments at my "above 50 and below 60" stage of life. You seem to be holding up much better.
Well you know what they say here at bitsnbobs eh Mary?
Bitsnbobs - the blog that just can't wait!
For anything!
Except birthdays, i don't mind waiting, it can take its time. How soon? Toooooo sooooon!
But don't worry, you have time to bid for that cheque!
On fire???!!
Must be the deep heat treatment i just rubbed into my leg, pulled a muscle running - damm!
ppps - holding up?
it could be all front.
Birthday coming soon, what's the fuss?
A cheque, you say, signed by THE Walrus
Will turn that frown upside down
And chocolate, too, in mounds of rounds,
To mark Your Day,
The day you came to be
One of Us.
PS If I could afford the framed Lennon, it would give a whole new meaning to 'the cheque is in the mail'. xx
Very nice Mary - i'll frame that and you can sign it sometime!
Not exactly a signed Lennon [which, by the way, is now at a bid of over $3,600!] but a modest original all the same.
by the way Mary - stop bidding!
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