So when does a birthday start? How long can you stretch the feeling, if accorded, that it's YOUR day?
I tried to start mine Thursday evening, inviting nearest and dearest to drop everything and go to the cinema.
The film being screened was Nowhere Boy – John Lennon’s life re-enacted. I thought it was appropriate considering the efforts Mary had gone to buy me his autograph at auction. (see stuff here – editor)
Nearest and dearest declined – too busy.
So – when you wake up at 8.30, the day itself (Friday); ready to get up?
Nearest and dearest fast asleep?
Can you celebrate alone?
You bet
Made a pot of green tea, fed the cats – hang on this is like any other day!
Mobile phone chirps – incoming message! That’s better – we’re off!
Drank tea.
Went outside – the ice is slowly melting, there’s a fresh kick in the air; Spring was onlyburied by last week’s frost.
Time to see what this officially old body can do.
Stretch – tick.
Press-ups- tick.
Pull-ups – tick.
Stomach thingies – tick.
Head to floor from the lotus position – YES!!!! First time this year, I’ve been working on it and that alone means I’m ok.
Nearer to the grave than the font - but ok!
What’s this? Fresh mango for breakfast!!!!
And a birthday cake!!
Weird tum.
Time for a run.
Through the forest, in the sun.
Pulled a muscle, now I’m done.
Hobble off to the city, get a new ………!!!
Amend Christmas Wish List!
Time out – buy a few gifts for others; surprise for tonight, present for next December and a film for next weekend.
Back to me!
Hot food!! – the simple things are best.
Home to bed.
Hang on; it’s not yet 11pm!
I was born at 11.10.
It’s not my birthday yet!!
I’m still young!– with the time difference between here and London - I’ve still got two hours of youth.
Let’s get this party started!!!!
repeat again next year.
Happy birthday tomorrow, dear Chris! It is tomorrow, then?
You are much cooler than I am. I'm so UN-cool, to me WINGS borders on heavy metal!:-)
PS Did you see Nowhere Boy after all? I liked it.
Anne, i'm not sure, i think it was yesterday!
Mary,i didn't, but will see it on Monday eve.
ps you are cool.
pps both of you!
Just hope it was a great one and wishing you many many more.
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