T dropped into the house for a week’s stay, though perhaps it’s more precise to say T bent into the house.
T is tall, the house is not.
Long, rather than high.
A house you walk into and out and in and out, up and down - rather than through.
T has folded himself into one of the upper corners.
He is writing a film.
Or a proposal for a film.
Or a submission for a competition for a treatment for a film.
Something for which he needs a quiet corner.
Though L is with him for a couple of days first.
Folded together.
Though she is learning lines for a play.
She mumbles to herself constantly, it disturbs T from his celluloid scenes and she worries that it is disturbing me.
I am lying on the floor with my feet up on a chair watching my tortoise.
I am exhausted.
I find the tortoise an excellent antidote to all that has exhausted me so far.
Life perhaps, certainly a part of it.
The tortoise does not mind that the house is low and long.
It suits him.
I know not which.
I know not which?
I’m talking like a Shakespearean film, a consequence of L’s mumblings and T’s flickering.
So, I invite K out to the cinema which isn’t.
We follow the sides of the house until we find a car and drive to the town that isn’t, where the cinema that isn’t - is.
The person who sits behind us complains that the film is long.
At the end.
Not as long as my house I think.
When we return home T and L are asleep but the house rejoices in the smells of someone other’s cooking.
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