Monday, 27 January 2025

More to Come, God Blessing.

The other day I realised that it hasn’t been my birthday for a long time and I decided it was time to do something about it.

So I’m having one.


It seems as good a day as any other, and if I wait any longer another lunar year will have waxed and waned its way past without me having done so. 

In anticipation of the event I decided to slip my own way into the local church, not to pray, just to marvel.

Being mid winter, it was cold inside.

And I sneezed.

I have never sneezed in an empty church before, probably not in a full one either.

I can’t believe that I have lived my fair share of three score and ten and not enjoyed this.

It’s amazing!.

I’ve never, in all my years, heard anything closely resembling the magnitude of the moment.

I urge anyone who is reading this, anyone who has not sought out this unique and fulfilling experience, to rush as soon as possible to the nearest église - taking pepper with you if you need.

I myself will repeat this pleasure at every opportunity.

God blessing.

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