Tuesday, 12 September 2023

I'll be Back 5 (a mini series typo filled but explained mid series)

I’ve listened to this play list all the way through already

Iin the last hour

It’s an hour and a bit, long

It’s started again

I don’t have to get up and turn a record over, I jys hacve to open another window on the computer and select a new playlist

But should i?

It’s a good play list

Ad it’ sbeen the backgroubd for everything I’ve writtrn in thr laast hour and a …

If I change it will icjhnage the reative mood

Does the creative mood come from the playlist?

Or the wine?

Or the night?


I(m hoing in

This has been palylist114

I(ve switched to 115 and it starts with David Bowie and Modern Life

It’s going to change things

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