Sunday, 10 September 2023

I'll be Back 3 (a mini series)

Do you remember how Jack Kerouac wrote On the Road as a single stream of consciousness on a single (very blong ) piece of paper?

I think he stiuck separate sheets together in fact – I’m sur ewikipedia will tell us something on the case


I’ve got my own technique.

I wait for night time when I can’t see much

I wait for a moment when I haven’t got my glasses with me and I can’t remember where they are anyway

And so cansee even les

So there s no point in looking

And I start writing

Whatever coles to mind or fingers

There are , inevitably, a hell of a lot of miusspelt words 

Along with incoherent ramblings

And I don’t bother to edit

Cos I cant see a thing.

There is a possibility that I might look over it in the light of day


With glasses

And correct

But don’t count on it

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