Thursday 9 February 2023

Cowrie Shells and an Elephant.

On the beach (da da da da )

On the beach (da da da da da )

Alffani wants to take me out on his canoe to go snorkelling.

On the beach…

Troubles out of reach..

There are two guys trying to carry a giant sea turtle; the turtle is huge, the guys are skinny.

On the beach…

The sea turtle is not living, maybe it was washed up in the high surf last night.

Here the Bosanova played with soul…..


I gesture – that’s big.

They gesture the same back.

You can dance, and twist and shout.

Then they start dragging it along the sand.

Sad beauty in the sand.

Alfini is carrying something from his belt.

‘What’s that?

‘My elephants’

‘Did you carve them yourself?’

‘Yes, unique.’

Yep, they’re unique’.

‘Best price’

‘What is your best price?


‘I’d give you 500 but I don’t have any money’

‘You know this man’ – he points at Iddy further down the beach.

I might, but I’m pretty sure Iddy has no money either.

‘I’ll be here tomorrow, try me again’

‘Same time?’

‘Same time.’

‘Then we go snorkelling’.

‘Maybe not, I like swimming , and walking.

On the beach (da da da da )

On the beach.(da da da da )

Everybody here me come on out..

You can dance with anyone you meet…

On the beach.

Hermit crabs, sand crabs living in holes, pieces of coral.

Palm trees.

Morning breeze, sun just rising.

Tide moving out.

Cowrie shell, just one.

Worth its weight in sand probably.

come on everybody stomp your feet…

'Cause your troubles are out of reach…

Dive into the gentle waves.

Taste the salt.

Watch the dug-out canoes…

On the beach.






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