Ok, let’s guess – Fifth letter of the alphabet, second vowel?
E n.m. Cinquième lettre de l’alphabet(aha!) et la deuxième des voyelles (I rest my case!)
And I’m thinking – extension.
The confinement has been extended – it was expected, now it’s official – we are in for the long run.
Though running is meant to be restricted to within one kilometre of the house and for a maximum of one hour.
One guy on his balcony in Toulouse – 7 meters long – ran the marathon, it took him 6 hours and 48 minutes.
Across The Channel someone did the same around and around his garden – his children stretched out some toilet paper for the finish line.
Were they hoarding toilet paper i wonder?
Un petit e; des E majuscules.
I think that applies, the balcony/garden were small, the challenge major.
Base des logarithmes népériens.
I didn’t know there was a choice.
Hang on…..
The natural logarithm of a number is its logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e, where e is an irrational and transcendental number approximately equal to 2.718281828459.
Irrational AND transcendental?
This confinement maybe?
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