Sunday, 21 May 2017

The dinosaur, some cheese and a flood.

Toulouse france/Friday Evening.

Did you read that?

Actually I did.

What did you think?

Like you, I laughed.


It’s obvious – surely - the worst place for a meteorite to hit you, even if you’re a dinosaur must be on your head.

Exactly, but please stop calling me Shirley.

Too long!

And did you read this?

In a way, but I couldn’t help thinking that the combination of seeds and water…

Can only lead to a lot of sprouting?

If it’s like the potatoes under my sink.

Talking of potatoes and sinks did you get invited to the birthday?

I did.


They want me to go to England first and buy some cheese.


You heard me.

They want you to go to England and buy some cheese to take to a party in France?


Weird world.

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