Monday 1 May 2017

Eleven O'clock at the Hermitage.

SW France/Yesterday

What’s the time?


Time for elevenses then!

Time to get up, I’d say!

I’m not getting up today! You dragged me off on a crazy adventure yesterday at some ungodly hour and now I’m recovering.

It was brilliant!

I got drunk!

You were hilarious; I haven’t seen you so jolly for a long time.

Ha bloody ha.

What did you think of the hermitage?

Ah, the hermitage was something exceptional, I’ll grant you that.

Remind me.

I walked up to the door from the riverbed, through the pine and thyme and sun of a Mediterranean springtime and was met by the fresh breezes of devotion tumbling through the opening.

What did you think of the Christ?

Cartoon. Naïve. But the sense of worship and homage are the strongest.

Glad you went?

I’m not getting up!!   

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