Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The Two Bs (1)

Butterfly Dreaming





'Me again'

"Still there?"

'Ah you know me, not leaving. Remaining!'

"I thought you wanted to become Scottish."

'Och aye the nooo.'
"So, what can i do for you?"
'There's a box of photos too.'
'In the shed-aroo?'
'Och aye the nooo.'

"Yep, that's because these blocked up archives that we are trying to unblock has loads of photos as well as words."

'Ah, i thought they were a present.'

"In a way - they were present here in the archives, now they are present in your shed."

'Cool. I start trying to put image and text together tomorrow.'

"Good luck, it's pretty random."

'So is life, take care of yourself.'

"You too, bye."



There’s a butterfly in my car.
It’s not MEAN’T to be there, but it is.
It is sitting on a belt that itself sits on the dashboard.
I don’t know whose belt it is – not mine, and presumably not the butterflies.
The window is open, but the butterfly prefers the belt.

Probably because they both start with the letter B?

intyandab 2

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