Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Desk - A Horror story in 11 parts.

something this way lies


What’s happened to the desk? (Editorial note T)

What desk?

Exactly! It should be here – what’s that?

That’s a big block of empty paper.

Should it be there?

Well, if there is a desk here, underneath all of this stuff, it could be a good place for it.

Isn’t it meant to be on top of the old- but soon to be re-used- computer that should be behind the desk that should be here?

Hang on, .. top… old… re-used… behind… er, yes that’s the case. Or, not the case but the… I think you follow.

Come on!


No time like the present.

I quite like the past myself, given a choice……


London Joe said...

Ah, the past. A safe place. I like it there too.

popps said...

It's not what it used to be though.