Saturday, 27 June 2015

The Active Pillow (every home should have one)

there's the elephant

Earwigs, envelopes, The Everglades, Elephants….. No, Elephants will be there it’s your favourite animal.

Got them on my pillow, sleep with them every night.

You never wash it?

It’s an aesthetic pillow, sits alongside the active pillow.

You have an active pillow?

Don’t you?

I think mine is static.

Mine moves a lot during the night – under-head, on floor, behind head, under-head again, on floor again. Ad Infinitum in fact.

Hang on, you’re distracting me from the thought at hand. Earwigs…

You said that already.

Extra Terrestrial, Endives… hmmmm, that has potential.

There might be a recipe.

There might not. Enigma, Ellen…

Who’s Ellen?

You don’t know?

Can’t say I do.

That’ll be it then – Ellen.

Ok, hang on…. YES! (Editorial note t)

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