Are you listing again?
Ok, you need to explain the whole thing.
Ok, a while back, a long while back, I
wrote a post that questioned whether people in TV series ever go to the toilet.
I remember that one! You used it as a way
to look back over the blog to see if people did everyday things or not. (editorial note t)
Exactly. Well, I thought maybe I could
update the post.
How would that work?
Well - get a list of stuff and see if the
blog had a post that talked about that stuff.
So I decided to do an alphabet of stuff,
starting at A.
Nice idea, but you can’t DO the list; it
has to be a disinterested outsider.
Your subconscious will interfere.
Your subconscious will interfere.
I’ll do it.
Yes, I’m an outsider. And I’m
disinterested. Ants.
You’re starting with Ants? Ants were on my
list already, the first thing.
I wanted to surprise you, catch you
You’re weird.
Takes one to know one.
Anyways….. Ants figure – they made an early appearance - here. (editorial note t)
'ard varks to zulu-todaloos
Might have to use that one - zulu-todaloos. Thnx
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