Sunday, 21 June 2015

From Shining Rise to Shining Set (and much between)

shining set

That was long!

Reaaaaaalllly long!

The longest!

From shining rise to shining set!

What did you do?

Saw the sun rise, a giolden orange inside the van, then I fell asleep again. Got up late.

Doesn’t matter, you had all day.

And what a day!


Long and hot.


Most certainly - strawberries, peaches, cherries, blueberries, apricots!  


So juicy that you dribble.


Swim; plunge into the refreshing waters.

It was FĂȘte de la Musique too, I believe.

Not in the river, but later as the sun softened.

It was set up by a socialist, I think.

The river? Most good things are.

No. Did you go?

Of course: on foot through forest and track to the village.

Showed your face?

And my knees.

The village would be pleased.

I doubt it.

How was it?

The village?


Musical but I was disturbed.

By the music?

No. Time.


Yep, last time I was there it was different, big changes, made me feel old.

You are.

Thanks. Nice music though.

Back through the forest.

How else? And the wild sweet peas, broom, pine, daisy and those yellow things that grow where the deer have left their foot-prints.


Then I heard a car.


And a Dutch man. Brought out the soup.

Mid-summer’s special?

Full of fresh herbs and tarragon, sage, parsley as well as lumps of roasted garlic. (editorial not x)

Did you share the pie.

Yep, and some wine, and…  


Shining set.


London Joe said...

a wild, sweet pee in the forest

no finer way to end the longest day

London Joe said...

a wild pee in the forest

no finer way to end the longest daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay