Saturday, 19 July 2014

Photo mix-up of the year

this photo was previously elsewhere

I didn’t want to post this picture here; I meant to post it earlier – there.

It seems to fit the theme of that previous post better than it does this, though on reflection, it is the subject of this post.

As it was, in sort, of that one.

But I thought that if I went back an posted it in its preordained place, no one would see it there and then those who had seen it there before would see it’s replacement reappear here and think that they were there and not realise that they weren’t there after all.


So I reckon I’ll stick it here so you can see it, I like the displaced letter that reflects its own displaced essence, and then when everyone has forgotten all about it I’ll return and swap things round to where they were meant to be.

Brought to you by – Insights, how this blog works, chapter three. A courtesy service.

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