Sunday, 25 November 2012

A Thought of The Day (with a bracket) struggling to fit in with November’s Theme of “the post title must be longer than the post comment AND there must be a fishy sort of photo” that is beginning to drive me, and probably you, up the wall (which would be ok if somebody would talk to me now and again) and which really doesn’t have enough words in the title yet, because the post has 102 and I wrote that first, so I have to keep on rambling for a bit and hope that next time I do the “word count” it at least hits one hundred and three.

We haven’t had a good natter for ages!

I know mate, it’s all these “themes” someone keeps imposing on us, how can we do our natter (and get a bracket into it) when there’s all these themes going on? I’m coming apart at the themes!

It IS difficult.

It’s bloody impossible mate!

Nothing’s impossible.


You disagree?

HA! You can’t make a woman love you, you can never go home and…no, wait a moment, that’s Bill Bryson’s line ….. and it was a waitress, not a woman …. You can never….. er…… can i think about it?

You may.

No! Me November!

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