Saturday, 8 September 2012

Rambling along 6.

I should point out that this month - ramblings - are just that; ramblings from my mind over the last two months (July and August) and do not necessarily represent me today. But they do constitute in their own way a part of The Archives. This is explained, i think, here.

Eve, full moon a day passed.

Can you feel the breeze?

Cool, refreshing, possibly herald to a storm but still welcome this warm night.

Movement among the leaves; flames in the fire a-flicker.

Why is there a fire lit when the breeze is so welcome and the air so sticky if not?



Simply to drive the mosquitoes away - or craftily to turn the outside, inside?

The sound of the flames mingle with that of crickets.

If the rain comes I will stand naked in it, if it doesn’t I will will it; it’s good to stand naked in the rain when noone is watching.

A sudden rush and the breeze becomes wind, the leaves voice their pleasure, the flames of the fire horizont.

That’s a verb….  Well…..  it is now.

Here, near bedtime, and I too must horizont.

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