Monday, 17 September 2012

Rambling along 13 (sort of) - Say Ah!

Imagine stepping into a room, vast like the concourse of a major, yet mythical, railway terminal, which is full of papers swirling and falling, flying and drifting – as if bewitched by an invisible wind. Imagine the sunlight streaming in through windows so high that they seem like dreams. What would you do? Shut the door I guess, just in case it was oneself that had caused the draught and set a thousand carefully stacked papers randomly cascading. Either that, or grab a handful and with the blessing of the Head Archivist  -whose job it is to tame the Turbulent Chambers as they are now known – set off on a long ramble homewards as the autumn infiltrates. And as I ramble along I’ll read a few of these tumbling missives that come from An Archive Past. Oh, and stick some photos of a recent walk in London Town. This is what is happening at the moment here on Bitsnbobs, and which has been previously explained here.

I had an appointment with the work’s doctor this morning at 8am, so I rose early – with the sun – and arrived with five minutes to spare.

I sat there waiting for the door to be unlocked when suddenly I thought I was having a heart attack!

Well – probably the best place for it to happen as long as they turn up at the time they said, I thought.

Then I realised that it was my mobile phone which I have accidently switched to vibrate mode and dropped into my chest pocket.

It was the doctor asking where I was.

Outside I replied.

I can’t see you she replied.

I’m the one lying on the floor writhing around in what I thought was pain, I explained.

Ah, Mr Adams, she said.

I got up and shook her hand. It turned out that I had been in the wrong place.

I was parked outside the door that said “Cabinet Medical” – silly me.

She lead me into the back of a lorry that was parked on the other side of the building and she asked me how much I weighed.

I said I had no idea – I don’t.

She weighed me.

You are exactly the same as you were three years ago, she said, maybe less, she continued, because we should allow for your clothes.

I was surprised – it was a nice summer’s day and I was wearing as little as I could get away with on a semi-professional occasion.

I was also surprised that I was the same weight- I have been eating a LOT of comfort food these last six or seven weeks.

Do you have any headaches?


Back aches?

I laughed – I’m 57 I explained, every morning… but I do yoga.

She looked impressed.

Sometimes, well I haven’t been for a few weeks but I’m thinking of going tomorrow. Or swimming – I’m thinking about that to.

Thinking isn’t classified as an Olympic sport she said, betraying a surprising sense of humour and knowledge -  that the Olympic Games start soon in the country of my birth.

Not yet! I said, a little too enthusiastically, trying to demonstrate my own.

Has anything changed in the last three years?

The list was long…….


Vicki Hollett said...

Gosh, this doctors visit contrasts starkly with one of mine here.

Let's look at the last set of tests...
How many glasses of wine do you drink?
How many cigarettes do you smoke?
When was your last blood test?
When was you last mamogram?
When was your last pap smear?
When was your last colonoscopy?
When was your last (whatever else it is we can think of to measure)

popps said...
