Wednesday, 18 July 2012

From a Distant archive, far, far away. 18.

All this month of July the editorial staff of Bitsnbobs have shut themselves away in the distant archives. They hope to turn up a few gems, but whatever they find THERE will appear HERE.

'What was that? It sounded like a phone. But we don’t have a phone.'

This conversation took place in The Archives the other night and is now, of course, archived itself.

It’s become part of the whole.

This happens in The Archives – to artefacts and people alike. They become part of the whole.

That ........ or they wholly fall apart.

We looked around at each other – all asking the same unspoken question (did you smuggle a mobile phone past Mrs Penny ?– she’ll kill you!).

We hadn’t.

We know better.

Then we started searching.

The ringing continued and we tracked it down to behind a wall in the 1980’s (remember that the rooms that hold most, we think, of The Archives are in fact caves).

The walls were pretty thick but the ringing was insistent – ‘it sounds like 1986’, said someone.


The investigation continues…….

You in the van?
You too sweet d...
We've arrived!
No we are in the...
Ooh it's ok i will r...
Ah me no xx tha...
Very good! You c...
Marks An der flo...
Did you get my s....
So tired today i....
Please call me ba...
Well done i just p...
Have a good trip...
Pound! Did you y...
Isn't that treaso...
Watching top ha...

editors note - something happened here, fire broke out in the archives, there are no sprinklers and most of this list was lost, this is all that remains. Shame, it was a good one too.


Long Distance said...

It sounds like 1986
said someone
Offering its weighty mix
of mem'ries
Crowds and noise, get your kicks,
rain or shine
Amid trains, planes, boats, bricks,
hear the cheers
As they soar, watch their tricks,
young and old
Laughter, wonder, flying sticks
what delight!

Sounds like 1986
calling - ring, ring,
said someone.


popps said...

it was you!
and it was goooood!