Have you noticed how running Bitsnbob's (the blog with the runs!) Musical Christmas Advent Calendar (you are reading part 21- part 1 is here, and parts 2 through 20 and onward are in between and after) is a bit like life itself?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
So many possibilities and just not enough time in a day, a month, a lifetime!
Do I go with the new plan arising from the trashed scribbles of yesterday (part 20), give way to the contribution of others expressed in the comments (part 17) and (part5) or start all over again for the next 10 (plus1)?
Hang on! – I already have acknowledged part of the part 5 comments! (part 15)
I didn’t mean to!!
Spontaneous synchronicity no less!
Here are the scribbled lists to show you the confusion that is beginning to set in here at headquarters.

It all hinges on today – do I abandon 10 really good choices or do I do one post that has all ten in?
Do I post links to all those missing selections in this post?
Can I, though, have an advent-calendar-sort-of-idea that has more than one thing each day?
Can I have an advent calendar with 31 (plus one) days?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
And it all comes down to THIS post – If I abandon everything else do I abandon this one, which was/is/could build to tomorrow from yesterday?
Ice or wine?
Or both?
Oh great choice - I loved both of them!
Is it snowing a little in your picture?
It is, in fact, snowing all over the blog Vicki - it's just that snow (white) doesn't show up very well on the blog background (white).
You can see it crossing the headings, the video and the picture.
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