Thursday 10 November 2011


Ok, ok, ok!

I know!

The extended joke of the last two days was not brilliant, but I had to try.

You know how it is here at Bitsnbobs (the Blog with bruises) - we like to experiment.

If anyone remains perplexed – yesterday’s joke was the “when you get old you forget everything” type of joke.

You know, where you end up repeating yourself because your memory is shot?

So, just in case you remain perplexed – yesterday’s joke was the “when you get old you forget everything” type of joke.

Sorry – it’s hard to resist.

Here’s yesterday’s moon – it should be full tonight.


Anne Hodgson said...

I forget - what did you write about yesterday?

popps said...

Blimey, your first day in the fives and it's got you already!
Downhill from now my girl!