I cycled round to see Martin. I needed to borrow a DVD.
Martin was cutting stone.
Cutting stones is noisy, so he was wearing ear-thingies.
Your eardrums will burst if you don’t.
I didn’t.
Martin had his back to me, and because of the stone wall he is building I couldn’t approach without suffering aural perforation.
How do you attract the attention of someone who is cutting stone with his back to you and wearing ear-thingies?
I tried throwing stones.
He just thought they were flying chips and carried on.
Don't shoot the messenger [that is, unless she's incorrect]. I believe that 'oral' has to do with the mouth, and 'aural' has to do with ear/hearing. Homonyms can be maddening. You are right that spell check only knows words, not meaning, and therefore cannot help. Would not mention a mere typo but am concerned that your meaning may be lost or confused.
On the other hand, perhaps you did mean that a piece of stone could have bee launched into your mouth, in which case, I apologize for misunderstanding.
Dangerous work that stone cutting work is. When I was 11, my dad was just finishing up building our new house. One tiny (very tiny) speck of stone flew into my eye. It hurt like mad and had to be removed at the hospital.
There is justice in this world.
Please see MY typo [or is it a freudian slip?) in the second paragraph where I write 'bee' instead of 'been'.
Reminds me of a certain toothbrush holder ...
Yes, yes, yes - toothbrush holder it's coming it's coming!
Actually a small hiccough with the packaging responsible for delay - but it's the things you have to wait for....
I didn't see the bee error bit i read "Honeymoons can be maddening."
HONEYMOONS! Sounds like Spring Fever has hit the forest early this year. Time to book a second honeymoon for you and Krissie -- Capri in April perhaps? Very beautiful and romantic.
Re bee toothbrush holder -- I am very patient. Will enjoy the anticipation.
mary - i can't afford the Chimp figurine, Capri will be way beyond my budget.
Rome though.......
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