What follows is typically French.
I don’t know what it means, but if you can understand the complexities at play here you will never again be surprised by a pouting Frenchman, or woman.
Or by their President.
Or football team.
The background.
A note in my letter box informing me that the post-lady had passed and I had a letter to pick up from post office distant.
I go up to the village, enter the post office and show them the note; for the last 18 years this is the place undelivered mail ends up.
“No, it’s not here, it’s at the post office in Penne”.
“Do you know when their post office is open.”
I drive to Penne, a village with a castle and a population of about 10.
I park, and wander down to the “centre”, the tourist office is the only place open.
There are two people working in the Tourist Office, it is December the 7th, there are no tourists within 500 km. I am the only thing moving.
“Good afternoon, do you know what time the post office is open?”
“Only in the mornings, Monday to Tuesday.”
“Thanks”, I turn to walk away.
I stop, “because I have a registered letter to collect”
“When did it arrive?” – I look at the paper.
“November 31st.”
“Come in” – we were talking through the window.
I entered, _ “Oh, THIS is the Post Office as well?”
“Yes, but it’s closed” said the second of the two women.
“I know, your colleague told me.”
“Let me see the paper.” I hand it to her, she checks the numbers, hands me a letter and then pulls it back.
“Do you have any identification?”
“My driving licence is in the car; I’ll go and get it. But don’t you recognise me?”
I recognised her, down to her green eye-shadow – I had taught her daughter English for three years in the local primary school.
I went back to the car, got my licence, returned, handed it over and received my letter.
“We are closed, this is exceptional.”
“Yes, your colleague told me. Thanks, have a good afternoon, bye.”
It’s such hard work sometimes.
more on coping with the french here
The Bitsnbobs Quiz of the Year. Here!
Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas and all the very best wishes for 2011!
Re PO issues - same in Catignano PO. My Christmas cards were all refused because they were in the "wrong" sized envelope. To send them as they were, was double the cost just because the envelopes were "small".
What's the "normal" sized envelope then", I asked absolutely gob-smacked. "Ermm, standard size, you know". "Ermmm, No, I don't know".
Then ensued a surreal sort of conversation which would be unthinkable in the UK. Long story short, I had to re-envelope about 30 xmas cards in envelopes way too big for them.
Last year my xmas cards were rejected because the envelopes were different-coloured and had santa claus stickies all over them.
I have no idea what it will be next year. I can't wait!
Hi Janet and happy etc etc
So.... wrong type of snow in England, wrong type of envelope in Italy!
Christmas wouldn't be the same without these things would it?
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