Is it just me or do you too remember those fireworks you bought as a kid that were labeled, "light the blue touch paper and retire"?
Anyway............ warm dry dressing room, backstage in a theatre, can be a wonderful place.
Security and excitement in equal amounts and, if you are lucky, sandwiches, cakes and orange juice. maybe even chocolate!
Afterwards, if the show was a success there will be smiles and bubbles.
If there problems though…..
The phone rang late on Monday evening.
“I missed the plane, so I won’t be coming home.”
Ok, got to be careful here – what do the manuals say? Remember Men always fuck these moments up, that was it?
‘Are you there, I said I missed the plane and I won’t be coming home?’
Quick, quick, what did the manuals advise? What do I say – Ever?
I blame the dressing room.
Sometimes it can be a non-wonderful place, anything from flooded, freezing or in a cupboard where the patrons hang their fur coats.
So earlier, when I sent a joyful – ‘how did it go?’ - text message I had been missing certain key pieces of information.
She had missed the plane going (don’t ask), the train was delayed, she was tired (train), the theatre had an usher who blew a trumpet and announced each person as they walked into the building (even if you are tired and delayed), the dressing room had a radiator but no plug and the technician who took responsibility for all sound and light cues had never seen a lighting and sound control box before.
How was I to know?
Sounds exhausting and frustrating. Poor Krissie! Travelling isn't much fun anymore. Here in N.A. they are taking the security screenings to such an extreme that it makes you not want to travel anywhere. Children are being groped, old ladies humiliated and generally every one is just p----d off. Happy travelling:-(
Hope Krissie is now back safe and sound.
I'm just your random traveler, but have been late on many an occasion, stuck in many a cold waiting place and. I love texting. It's changed traveling completely. Sharing a laugh when Christopherous isn't there to pick you up: what could be better?
Mary, did i ever tell you about the day security refused to allow me to board with three juggling balls in my bag? They said they were offensive!
Anne, yes i agree, txting =good.
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