I was alone when two strange things happened this morning in the early waking moments of the day.
1. I experienced temporary, but crystal clear psychic and telepathic ability in my right ear.
2. I knew that it had snowed during the night.
The two things were not related.
The psychic telepathic contact was established with someone of female origin at some considerable distance, though I was unable to understand what was said; it may have been a crossed line and a message intended for someone else.
But my ear still feels “blessed”.
Then, when I opened the curtains - I discovered there to be no snow in the garden, forest that surrounds the garden or distant hill that watches the forest.
But I bet it snowed somewhere.
The other night I belatedly sat down to watch the film “Men who stare at Goats”, a tale based on some pretty strange research into psychic warfare that seems to have been going on in the U.S. army- so my brain may be under the influence.
Still, I heard SOMETHING - and it wasn’t just hearing - the voice entered me.
I'm certainly here, in answer to your leading question!
I loved "Men who stare at Goats", and a certain leading actor connected to Abruzzo played a central part in the film.
No snow in Abruzzo yet, but it's set to snow big time in Oxford tomorrow. Brrr!!
Present and accounted for.
What can I say about the voice that entered you/your ear.
You're starting to hear things, but the good news is that you're not bothered by it. Indeed, you feel blessed. Always good to feel blessed no matter how it comes about.
Perhaps you are psychic or perhaps you were affected by the psychic abilities of the folks in "Men who stare at goats'.
Is Krissie back yet? Maybe you 'heard' her.
Nice photo of the statue of the Madonna.
Janet - i had forgotten how besotted you are with him. He did look very good and was very funny in the part.
No, all alone and will be for the next month - she's on the road with Mark and "A Chrisrtmas Dinner for Two."
Here's something for you to do while Krissie's away:
Have you seen the new Sherlock Holmes series -- Here is the trailer:
There are three 90 minute episodes -- you might be able to watch them online at PBS from the U.S. They are free until December 8 I think.
I really enjoyed the first one.
Good acting - very clever.
Thanks Mary - i'll try, i liked the recent film and love the stories.
Try this link:
Study in Pink is the first episode.
Am having a crazy day. In the midst of much work-related and teenage-son-growing-up aggravation I just got an email a few minutes ago that I had won 2 tix to see British jazz vocalist of the year winner, Ian Shaw, for next Monday. Love his voice.
Must be pay-back for all of the aggravation I have tried to patiently endure lately.
Who are you going to invite?
Had considered inviting a certain blogger who lives on the edge of a forest in SW France. He seems to have the time to travel right now. But once you factor in the flight cost, it's not much of a free ticket.
Second choice -- my husband.
Perhaps with a bit more lead time in the future, I could try to win a couple of free air tickets from France to Toronto.
You never know. It could happen.
Enter that competition Mary!
Ermmm, I wouldn't say "besotted", as that sounds a bit serious, but "with an interest in most things related to George Clooney" sounds good :)
I was rather disappointed with "The American", which turned out to be a pretty dull film. However, the pretty little village of Castel del Monte, just a short drive away from where I live, absolutely stole the show, as it was visually stunning and breathtaking. I liked the character of the priest. He seemed realistic.
Hi again Janet, i meant besotted in the best possible way (obsessed, uncritical, biased etc etc :-))
Just kiddin'.
I was planning to go see The American but now......are you not recommending it?
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