There are two walnut trees at the bottom of the meadow, they are big, very big. Bigger than Uncle Spice's shoes (see yesterday).
Every October end of, we wander down with basket in hand to discover that the squirrels, mice, doormice, horses, pigs, whatever and etc have beaten us and left only the empty shells.
But this year WE surprised THEM and already we have three boxes full, awaiting year end.
The trees are tall, very tall - so we cant't reach them and we need to wait for them to fall. Today, as i stooped and gathered, i disturbed a small frog who jumped and then stopped and looked at me. So i sat down and said hello.
It set me thinking.
The creative process - and it’s up to you to decide if this blog counts - seems to me to consist of a lot of making notes, mulling ideas and clipping inspirations from here, there and everywhere.
If I’m right – and it’s up to you to decide if I am – there must be a lot of people who have drawers, pockets and corners of their brain stuffed with notes.
Every now and again I struggle to find something half remembered, three quarter forgotten and so I start at the edge of something and clear up- usually discovering a lot of stuff that saw the light of day previously, before being buried again.
This I can throw away.
Other stuff appears that makes me go – oh yeah – before getting buried again.
Sometimes, and today is such a sometime, I find something and think – oh, yeah – and then – I’ve got to share that with someone.
Here it is.

Co-incidentally! I am alergic to walnuts - I found this out at school when we were made to make a christmas cake with them in - after chopping I got the oil from my fingers in my eyes and they swelled up and they made me look like a frog!!
Co-incidentally! I am alergic to walnuts - I found this out at school when we were made to make a christmas cake with them in - after chopping I got the oil from my fingers in my eyes and they swelled up and they made me look like a frog!!
So allergic you posted that twice!
Is it you saff?
If not then you share a walnut allergy with Saff .
It's a shame because they are, in my opinion, very tasty and i have a lot this year - christmas presents maybe.
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