One of my many nieces turned up the other day- she arrived at 18.05 after a long drive from far away.
Her hair was neatly platted into two pig-tails.
At 18.10 she had undone them and here hair was flowing freely - “my brain was hurting”, she explained.
Five minutes later she had it in a French bun and by 18.20 in a pony tail.
By half past eight she had it in a Chinese twirl.
I was dizzy, but impressed.
Jealous a bit, as all I can do with my hair is ruffle it.
But even more than her world record attempt at having as many different hairstyles as possible inside 30 minutes, I was impressed by the brownies she brought with her, that we ate, that we made more of the next day and that I have been eating whilst the others are visiting a nearby cathedral.
And so since you have been patient to read this far through my ramblings I’ll give you the recipe she used - which produces the best brownies that I have ever eaten.
And I’ve tried a lot.
More than she’s likely to have hairstyles.

1. INCEPTION -- liked it, loved Leo, and rest of great cast except Canada's own talented Ellen Page, who was out of her DEPTH in this. Not CGI crazy but did find many of the effects special. One question -- what's with these action scenes that take place in some god-forsaken snow-capped mountain top luxury hideaway? In Toronto, they can't even get the potholes filled or keep the local pools in working order during a heat wave.
Planting ideas in the unconscious mind - not to be TOYED with.
Also, have not seen Toy Story 3 yet -- only playing in 3D -- but hope to do so soon.
2. ADVENTURES IN ELSEWHERE -- thanks for taking us along, I needed the vacation.
3. Enjoying photography as always, esp. the cat and mouse chess game.
4. The World`s Best Brownie Recipe -- Ah yes - never quite made the switch to metric. Also wondering what golden caster sugar might be.
Sister-in-law from Australia is visiting this month. Other than that Life here consumed by work, stress, baseball, followed by; more work, more stress, more baseball, etc.
Never fear - reading everyday.
How do we know it's you and not someone who abducted you?
Here's a test - who wore the bow tie?
Alex or Chris?
ps I don't know what golden caster sugar is either , we added brown sugar - try the recipe it's YUM!
see this coming sunday's digestive.
Alex, of course!
PS -- Check out for the only picture I ever found on the internet of Chris and Alex at EXPO 86 - in black and white no less!
Mary the world was black and white in those days, simpler with less outside.
If the world was black and white then, it is a bland grey now. Everyone talking, no one listening, everyone exposed and everything hidden.
Chris and Alex in their black and white suits were never anything less than a burst of brilliant colour. As were others in the British contingent of street performers that enchanted EXPO - Krissie, Mark, John, Les Bubb and many more.
I look forward to Sunday's digestive.
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