Mary, in response to my writing about the FIFA World Cup Final on/in/for yesterday’s pos, asked the all important question –“ More important than who won the Cup -- A) Did you beat Martin? B) Did you win the Fantasy World Cup League? “ photo Patrik Stollarz/AFP
It’s good to see that someone has her priorities straight!
And in fact, as I woke this morning and opened my e-mails, Martin is already issuing a challenge to join him in a fantasy league for the next football season (which doesn’t open for another 32 days.)
He hasn’t even allowed me TWO days to savour this most delicious of victories.
Of course we all know that this world cup has all been about the Octopus, or as the French say – Paul la pulpe – and Mary should really be asking the question – "what will Paul do next?”.
Fortunately the Guardian Newspaper has asked the question for all of us and if you click on the link in the previous paragraph you too will know the answer.
The Guardian also addresses the question “what now” from the economic and social perspective in the aftermath of an event which it describes as essentially “fun and noise”.
I think they miss the point, which surely is about dreams?
And it’s impossible to measure that.
Or value it.
But it’s real.
So, how did the fantasy league go?
The stats are in. (skip the next paragraph if you are bored)
Tim (in Germany) who had a lot of distractions – 411 points, Denise (down the road) probably a victim of her husband’s spying 473, Martin (Denise’s hubby) a gallant, hard fought, but not enough 534, me (champion) 560.
The final match, (points spent on transfers included) was Martin 65- Me 67 (I’m glad I didn’t make that final 3 point substitution)!
My final position in the whole kaboodle – 44,037 out of a staggering (depressing?) 908,812.
Overall Winner, who lives in Finland and gets a new car for his effort, finished with 739 points!
Among other things he was much better at choosing his captain (double points) than I was.
My highest scoring player – the German Lahm – who along with the Spaniard Xavi and the Dutchman Sneijder, were the only one’s to survive from my original picks one month ago.
Ok that’s enough of that.
Tomorrow I’ll talk about Kaboodle.
Congratulations on becoming the champion. Roll on the premier league!
Well done Chris! Your comment about Spain wanting to win rather than go to penalty kicks was bang on. Spanish-Canadian Torontonians celebrated on College Street into the wee hours. I am happy for them.
I hope 'Paul la Pulpe' is allowed to retire to his aquarium tank. I understand that Octopi are very intelligent creatures -- and probably sensitive too. He's done his job -- BASTA.
PS -- to Martin -- there's always next time:-(
One other thing -- totally off topic -- have discovered that the SPACE channel airs Dr. Who. I caught the 'Christmas Invasion' episode and was started to find out that Dr. Who has TWO hearts. Interesting.
Mary - again x
One other thing -- totally off topic -- have discovered that the SPACE channel airs Dr. Who. I caught the 'Christmas Invasion' episode and was started to find out that Dr. Who has TWO hearts. Interesting.
Mary - again x
GAWD -- not only do I post the same comment twice but I mispel the word -- 'startled'.
My apologies.
mary, i was going to delete one of your two messages (something as author you can also do yourself, i think) but then it would confuse readers with your next comment so i've left it (as i have with punctuation in this comment).
and i got an error message when i tried to do it.
As for startled i read the sentence as" i've started to find out' which seemed to make sense as we learn things about him as we go along depending on what the writers want to develop.
Like the fact that no one remains from his planet because it was destroyed in a time war, except the time war was locked so it sort of still exists so people are there, except they can't get out as they are locked in something, except they can if they send some sort of code through the something else, except they can't because he stopped that, i think.
about five series in that.
By the way - how old is your dad?
Denise - now i feel bad, like i'm gloating.
it was an excellent tussle.
well done.
ps i suspect you picked too many English players early on.
Will keep this mercifully short and try hard to only post it once. My dad is 86 - God bless him [Italians always must say this when you mention someone's age] -- and a totally wonderful man! I am not only daddy's girl but am very much my father's daughter. We are alike and adore each other.
One more thing -- a hearty slap on the back to Loui's Dad [and Mum] for the years of support which resulted in his recent academic success!
PS -- thanks for the Dr. Who synopsis, I think. Will keep watching. Mx
So happy birthday to your dad, god bless him, mary and thanks for the slap on the back, that i probably don't deserve but was clearly fishing for :-)
Ah - just read what i wrote again - was that really helpful.
What are they showing on Space? Everything? the latest?
Space is showing both 10th and 11th incarnations. The latest is ending a week Saturday but I won't watch because don't want to spoil it for myself. I am sure they will repeat all episodes soon. I will continue to watch the Tennant version for now.
PS -- Parents get blamed for anything that goes wrong, why not take credit for things that go right?
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