You ain’t going to believe this, ‘cos I didn’t take a photo, but today I ate my first blackberry from a bush.
The connection between blackberries – which I consider out of season - and teenagers – who I consider in season - is, of course, Daniel who lives near the blackberry.
The summer, now that school is out, is a good season for studying teenagers, and around here I have a lot of opportunities; my niece, Charlotte-Rose who turned up the other day with her boyfriend also brought her younger brother along, lets call him Declan-Rose just to embarrass him a little.
I think Declan might be a vampire, he never emerges before 1am and his mother sent strict instructions that he should never be given any onions. I guess this would make her a vampire too, hmm interesting……..
It turns out that Declan thinks Dr Who is stupid. It also turns out that he has never watched it, thus confirming a teenager’s ability to diss something purely on a whim.
So I have decided, in between reading my copy of Wired, to do something about my nephews life and I have been offering him onion rings, onion soup, onion quiche, fried onion, onion fritters etc, etc at every opportunity.
So far he has stubbornly declined and eaten, as far as I can tell, only cereal and bread.
God knows how he remains so slim.
I have had better luck with Dr Who, as you know I am a fan, when I sat him down to watch the episode Blink – one I consider to be particularly well written.
He came back and asked for more so I showed him a couple of episodes further down the series.
“So, Dec, what do you think?’
“Well I’m not a fan but I have more respect for it now.”
I can settle for that.
Now Daniel, who you remember lives near a blackberry that is no more, is also a teenager but one who out-drwhos me and is my source of all DVDs.
I reached the blackberry through a sweaty cycle ride through gathering storm clouds intent to return series 3 and hopefully swap for the collection of specials.
I was disappointed to find the driveway empty of cars and thought I would have to push them through the cap flap and leave empty handed.
But no!
Not only a blackberry but someone was in.
Brilliant – because his mum and dad are sticklers and wouldn’t lend me anything from his archive without his permission.
He had the collection of specials and lent them to me!!
And then!
“I’ve got the first volume of the new series.”
Ok, it’s risky – the first three episodes without the following 10 (which came to a television screening end less than two weeks ago) but this is a newly regenerated Doctor, a new companion and a new beginning of which I have seen nothing yet.
And even Declan is suggesting we watch it tonight instead of Spain versus Paraguay in the Fifa World Cup quarter -final.
Only if you eat an onion mate.
Thanks for the link to 'Dr. Who is Stupid' which led me to the 20 things that are found in the blogs. It has kept me reading for a while now. Especially enjoyed the entry about your older sister, Lorraine. Nice to hear that her kids - your niece and nephew -- are well and visiting with you. Also read the Valentine's Day entries -- hidden message is contained in the heart shape drawn by hand into one of the photo albums I think. Nice sentiment -- as you say, it's for always.
This blog is like the tardis -- appears small on the outside but is very big on the inside.
SSShhhh, it's a secret!
ps the visiting nephew and neice are "in law" ie from Krissie's brother - my sister's daughters - now grown women are, unfortunately, never likely to visit - looooong story
Why would you want to keep such a lovely message secret?
Sorry I brought up the other. I did recall there being something amiss but had hoped that it had worked itself out over the years.
Anyway, watched a documentary on the rugby team from Uruguay that crashed into the Andes in 1972. 14 out of 45 passengers survived the crash, the cold, starvation and an avalanche for 72 days. What a story! It made me wish that the Uruguayans can beat the Dutch and go to the finals against Spain.
Back at work today after 4 DAY Canada Day celebration weekend.
No me and my sis are cool, i just don't know/see her kids and they don't know/see me.
And the secret, ok it's not a secret, but a surprise waiting to be found.
And Uruguay, well. i think it will be hard for them but i like the fact that they won the very first World Cup and then were nowhere for so long and now are in the semis - there's a nice circularity about that.
Didn't know that they won the VERY first World Cup. How is it that all of these small countries that have smaller populations than the Greater Toronto Area play world- class soccer when Canada with its almost 34 million people can't manage it? Hockey must be to blame.
It's hotter than hell in T.O. today and will be all week. Good week to stay in and watch the World Cup.
Mary, you obviously need to read this - and look at the pretty diagram that shows you the flags of the winners etc of the various world cups
and then this, which although about the USA might help understand why the Canadians make excellent maple syrup but not world cup goals
and then have a look here at the Canadian soccer Federation site, just so that someone else does.
when you aren't working that is :-)
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