Dear Loui,
Hi, it’s your dad – you know the old man that shouts at you to “get up it’s 10am, on a beautiful summer’s day, the first of the rest of your life!”
Wow, and what a life eh?
Nice girlfriend, she’s coming round today, a place at art school waiting for you and a summer of swimming and lounging stretched out before you.
As long as….
Just before my A- level exams I got ill.
I was playing football with friends, felt dizzy, went home and threw up blood.
It didn’t look good.
I ended up in hospital, had a huge transfusion and a tear in the oesophagus was diagnosed, origin unknown.
Stress is a killer, ask anyone, and exam time is stressful enough for some to cause their oesophagus to tear.
I don’t remember opening the letter with the exam results but it must have been an incredibly tense moment – just seeing it lying on the table probably provoked convulsions.
I wonder how you felt yesterday?
It’s not a letter on the table these days of course, it’s an internet site and a candidate code and if you are too early there is nothing there and if you are late and there is nothing there it’s because you didn’t pass.
When I came home you looked happy, smiling and laughing – was that a good omen?
“Did you get it?”
“Really?” (I’m sorry I doubted but you gave me, and almost 15-years-of-teachers, good cause – like the 2 out of 20 in philosophy at the beginning of the year).
(How can anyone get such a low mark in philosophy, surely that’s the thing about philosophy – you can say anything?)
Champagne time.
Beautiful baby all grown up now.
Thanks for the photo of you and Loui -- brings me to tears to see the child in the man and the man in the child.
Your joy is felt these thousands of miles away.
Hurray and congratulations! Good luck to Loui.
Thanks again for sharing the moment.
Mary x
PS don't worry about BnB's polluting my mind -- the English word for which Juan Ca is a homophone(?)isn't commonly used or even understood here and therefore not very offensive.
Hi Mary.
not commonly used?!
what does one say then?
Good question -- I think the term is a jerk-off or even just a jerk both of which are pretty mild in modern-speak. I remember the first time I heard the British term in the mid-80's -- meant nothing to me -- just sounded funny in that British way.
Looking forward to the semi-final this aft. Missed yesterday's game because I was out of town to see a production of 'The Tempest' featuring Christopher Plummer at Stratford Festival Shakespearean Theatre. Tickets were a birthday gift. Plummer was amazing!
Many happy returns.
Sounds like congrats are in order for Loui. Cheers!
And his dad for all that shouting? :-)
Loui, congratulations :)
Thank you everyone, i'll pass them on ..now, about the dad who spent hours, no years trying to teach him the multiplication tables..............
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