I have word from Pierrot, local farmer who has just driven across the meadow next to the house on a tractor that it is now officially summer.
I’m looking up at the sky and it’s blue, east, west north and south.
Pierrot wouldn’t have cut the hay if it was going to rain, farmers know more than I do about a lot of things (mending tractors for a start) and as the sky is resolute in her confirmation I am apt to believe it this time, and take my socks off for at least two months.
Wiggle those toes time!
I ran up the track this morning in a fairly belated attempt to get in shape for my swimming costume and I met 124 butterflies.
They too must believe that the deluge of the last six months is behind us.
Now, where are my sandals?
I have two pairs; one pair with the bizarre ability to make my feet hotter and another pair – stylish and sophisticated – that I can wear even when I need to get dressed up.
And today I need to get dressed up.
But can I find them?
I can find the set of 16 coasters that have bizarrely appeared on the kitchen table – a bi-product of my mother-in-law’s departure from these earthly coils.
And I can’t move for empty cardboard boxes that once contained everything Beryl had filled her house with, that personally I have been able to live without for over 50 years.
We now have a spaghetti portion paddle!
And a cheese bell!!
Not a slice of cheese in the house but a lovely, er, no correction, unlovely bell.
We have a painting of two boxer dogs!!!
I had never, ever, in the last half century turned to my wife and said – I wish we had a painting of two boxer dogs.
And neither had she.
I'm sure you've seen this funny bit by George Carlin about 'stuff' before but it worth re-watching as it helps to put it all into perspective. I've been trying to de-clutter for years so that I'll be ready to down-size in a few [very few!] years.
I don't know that i have Mary, i'll have a look later -i'm trying to watch TWO football matches at the moment!
He was sooooo good - RIP. Thanks, Mary, this is a classic :-)
Glad you enjoyed it! I try to watch one of his videos on YouTube whenever I need a thought- provoking laugh. One of my very favourites is the comparison of football and baseball. It is interesting to compare how differently he delivers the same bit when he was in his 30's and 40's and then later in his 60's and 70's.
Seems strange Anne to reach across the great blog divide to speak directly to fellow BnB's commenter without Chris acting as go-between. Am not sure why they have decided to broadcast 2 games at the same time - twice - today but I imagine that Chris will be very exhausted. Thank the soccer gods that England won.
Anne this is Mary, Mary this is Anne. :-)
Hello :-) And by the way, I love boxer dogs, though I'm not sure what I'd do with a painting, either. Anne
Hello Anne - are you the Anne i think you are?
If you are this painting is your husband's and i'm going to wrap it and give it to him for Christmas.
Please advise if you are not that Anne.
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