Something I perennially associate with America is the High School Reunion. We don’t have them in England as far as I know.
This might be because we don’t have High Schools but it could just as well be because we don’t have reunions.
Or maybe I am wrong, we do have them but I never get invited.
Until now that is.
30 years ago I was invited, with my then-partner John, to perform opposite the about-to-be–opened Covent Garden Market in London, on the very spot where Samuel Pepys first saw and recorded a performance of Punch and Judy. At the time the area was surrounded by corrugated iron as conversion works were carried out following the shifting of the once vibrant central fruit and vegetable market to the outskirts of industrial Wandsworth. The time when we were invited that is, not the time samuel.....
The area, plum (if not cabbage) in the centre of town was deserted and dead, and an organisation – Community Arts, run almost single handily by an explosion called Maggie - were trying to get things a bit livelier.
A number of performers were invited to do shows, at which Maggie would collect money from the audience to supplement the small fee she was able to pay us; she thus became, officially the first resident bottler – a term that may have had an origin in the custom of keeping a fly in the bottle that was used to collect the money and which the collector had prevent from escaping -thus proving to the performer that no money had been filched.
From this beginning a community of buskers grew up very quickly, once we realised the potential both of making a lot of money and more importantly testing and building a fledging show.
This month there is an event to celebrate the intervening years and among other things a reunion of performers is muted and a list of possible invitees has been circulated.
My name is on the list but perversely I am pleased to see that I am listed alongside “no contact address” – I like to maintain a certain distance from …..
…From what?
Why does the idea of meeting up with this group fill me with horror?
Is it a case of Groucho Marx-itis (I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members)?
Or are there deeper currants of psychosis at work?
Chris -- great picture of you and John 30 years ago.
Deep currents, I think. WHY is the right question. Paper tigers?
it's the "why?" - i edited out.
Too - yuk.
Not sure I understood your response to my comment. Still a bit light-headed after Victoria Day celebrations. Please elaborate.
i meant i asked the question why when i was writing the post and that it was the answers that i kept rewriting and finally left out of the post - all too much mush.
Edited out the yuk and the mush? The answers are in what is not written? Gives new meaning to the "treasure hunt" portion of BnB's.
I still think it must be just a little bit tempting to go to the reunion. What is the worst that could happen? After 30 years you likely won't be able to recognize three-quarters of them.
Can i send you as my proxy?
I won't do -- not British, not male, not a performer, NOT YOU and therefore not on the invite list. I would though make an excellent spectator if only I could make the trip -- which I can't.
If Krissie is eager to go, why not also take the kids -- there is definitely safety in numbers.
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