Tuesday 6 April 2010

Fat Fish

Some decidedly weird stuff is going on.

The fish that you can find over there on the left (and down a bit) have changed colour!

It wasn’t me – honest.

They also seem to be fatter, I know I have fed them quite a lot and I think Vicki did too, but does that explain the colour change?

Then, I start to go through my documents, looking for half ideas, half written and I come across a sheet, blank except for the name Ben Walters.

Who is it? And why is their name there, alone, waiting?

So, off to Wikipedia where I turn up a Canadian Ice Hockey player – but I can’t believe it’s him; I’ve never been a fan of the sport - I can’t see the puck so I have very little idea what is going on – but I like ice skating; I’m useless at it but I love trying.

But I saw something that caught my eye, a journalist - and it led to Poster Boy, who is described as the “Matisse of subway-ad mash-ups, a kind of anti-consumerist Zorro with a razor blade.”



I was too.

Follow this link.


Anne Hodgson said...

Could never decide whether they're goldfish or koi.
Nice photostream on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26296445@N05/2944982944/ Didn't find the goldfish there, so mystified.

popps said...

did you know him already Anne?

Vicki Hollett said...

I definitely over fed them the other day, Chris. Was relieved to find they were still swimming around and not floating on the surface when I got up the next day.
And who knows who else might have been slinging in handfuls of food as well? I think we might need to set up a feeding rota and put them on a diet.

Janet Bianchini said...

Oops!! I have to confess I've been feeding them a bit as well. I was just curious to see what happened. They're quite amusing!!

popps said...

The feeding is ok, i want to know who's been painting them!

Anne Hodgson said...

re question: No.
re color: Could they "go gold" as a result of feeding?

popps said...

I did think that Anne but can the widget be that clever?