I’ve twice failed to post on this blog during January, so far and as a general rule I try to come up with something just to keep the thing rolling.
There is no obligation but that which I set myself, no need really and probably no point – but then what’s the point of anything?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................well, you’ve got to do something!
Dave, if you read this blog could you remind me of the name of the stand up comedian who’s lines I have just borrowed?
He used to say something similar and then stop, sit down on the front of the stage and stare into a deeply gloomy future, some distant off.
It was both very funny and very tragic.
Excellent theatre – which in the context of stand up comedy was unusual.
Anyway – of the two days I missed one was an important birthday the other statistically, apparently, the most depressing day of the year.
I myself felt fairly good yesterday.
True when I returned after a day’s work and Krissie asked – did you have a good day – I hesitated.
The problem was the word good.
It had been a functional day.
A good day needs some or all of the following; a natural awakening, sea, blue sky, a coffee on a terrace outside, a run along a beach or through a forest, a surprise, Krissie laughing, a chapter from a good book, a post card from a friend and time to enjoy them.
A perfect day?
Well, sometimes you have to settle for good.
Sorry mate. I can't remember the quote or the person who used it. Naturally I would be hard pressed to remember the person unless I remembered hearing them say the lines and I don't.
I'm slowly re-arranging my life so I may get around to being in touch or even posting on my blog but then, what's the point, eh?
Dave, good to see you, you DO know his name - he directed one of your shows and you said he was the best you'd ever had.
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