You might know by now that I’m pretty grumpy when it comes to new technology, I hate Facebook and I don’t give a tweet about twitter – hey I don’t even like that new thing that hasn’t been THOUGHT about yet!
So if you were hoping to read something about the I-rrelevant, I-rritating and I-n-essential I-pad you will be pretty un-I-mpressed with this post.
‘Cos… it’s my birthday, and I’m going to party like it’s my birthday. Or, write this THEN go party like it’s my birthday – which it is.
You know what -the older you get ….. the older you get.
Funny thing - the older I-get the more Aquarians I-meet.
It turns out I-m working alongside four - which means we make up half the team.
Yes, of course Aquarians are probably the best folk to have together to do almost anything – probably goes without saying – but when I-was a kid NOONE was an Aquarian.
Even half of the people who live in this house are Aquarian - it would have been three quarters if Minnie had stuck to the schedule and not been so I-ndependent.
Can you have too many Aquarians in one spot?
Well, it helps to have someone with a touch of practicality – we tend to be a bit of a dreamy bunch.
I-npractical I-nfact....................................................................................thanks to anne for inspiration.
Many happy returns of your birthday from a fellow Aquarian!
Hope you have a fun-filled day and that you don't get too partied out!!
Very entertaining post as usual.
How are the preparations for the Oscars coming along?
coming along, coming along - yes, in fact started the post last night!
ps thnx
pps aquarians everywhere!!
Bon anniversaire Chris !!!
Merci Alice, thanks and welcome again to the blog.
I'd like to invite you to step in and tell us about yourself.
Happy Birthday, Chris!
Hey thanks Dave, that's really sweet.
By the way i left you a comment today on your blog that might interest you.
check it out when you have time.
oops - i see you have , already. Good Morning!
Happy Birthday, Popps!
Hope your day is fantastic.
Thanks Harold, that's really nice that you dropped by.
How's your move getting on?
Where are you?
Oh hope I'm not too late. Joyeux anniversaire!
Never too late Vicki but honest - i wasn't trying to elicit wishes.
Thanks everyone.
Ha! I'm sure nobody thought you were after wishes, but I think you (and us to) might have to get used to unstoppable spontaneous outpourings on the web. It warms all our hearts to be able to join in a celebration.
Happy birthday + i, Chris :)
Thanks Anne - it's a shame the oceans are no longer like this.
These guys are brillinatly spinning away at iDeas for apps - you've just got to join in :)
Oops, link:
Anee I am going to have to i'nstruct you how to make your links live in the comments.
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