Monday 30 November 2009


Wow, last day of November!

It seems like only yesterday that …………well……seems like only yesterday that I was at primary school actually, where did the time go?

Last December I tried to create a blog advent calendar; I think the idea was good but the result mixed, you can access it through the archive over on the left or by following this link.

It’s hard for December to escape Christmas and there is much about the period that I like; dark nights lit by coloured lights, carols and mulled wine, friends and family, waking to snow and of course…………doors.

The advent calendar continues to fascinate me though probably for the wrong reasons; behind every door a mystery, opening secrets and hidden surprise.

So once again, bitsnbobs is going to try to create in the next 24 posts a blog advent calendar.

This time I’m going to try and animate it differently; the door will be the motive, film the medium – so for a while a lot less bla bla.

The idea is pretty vague this morning, a camera (ready), real time (no shooting already done), no editing (I think) each shot starting with an unopened door, followed by an entrance and then finishing on a new closed door.

Hopefully as we progress the magic of something will intercede and the end result will be worthy.

And I hope the technology side works.

Probably a Christmas message there already – hope.


Anne Hodgson said...

So what are you going to do if you start missing the blabla? Are all the cooped up stories going to spill out in the new year?

I've stolen your general idea of having an advent calendar, Chris. It's been a while since I had one using any media, including paper and glue, but why not? So thank you.

Have fun with your door film :)

popps said...

I'm hoping they will all spill out on the 25th!!
And maybe something will spill out in the filming, let's hope so, though i have no idea at the moment.